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Through geo targeting we served users with personalised [Celtra] DCO digital display ads, indicating their current drive time to the PrimEVIL, an immersive fright night experience attraction. This creative was predominantly served to target audiences outside Norwich, but within a 2 hour drive. It carried a simple, yet powerful messaging.

The performance exceeded expectations and delivered a CTR of 1.76%, Impressions delivered: 165,001, Clicks: 2,912, Viewability: 92.29% and In-view time: 56.87s. Compared to the industry standard of 0.46%, and social media videos that also delivered strong engagement levels.

Formats: Billboard, Leaderboard, Mobile, MPU, HalfPage and 5 social media videos

Software: Adobe Photoshop, Premier Pro, Media Encoder, Illustrator, Celtra (DCO) & After Effects

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